Introducing the Dragons
An introduction to this social and emotional learning programme for children of all ages, based on Mindfulness and Neuroscience using three dragon characters.
Introducing the Dragons
An introduction to this social and emotional learning programme for children of all ages, based on Mindfulness and Neuroscience using three dragon characters.
The Green Staffroom
Join the What Colour is your Dragon Team for this well-being drop in for school staff, where its ok not to be ok. A safe space to bring your stresses, and be supported and heard.
Introducing the Dragons
An introduction to this social and emotional learning programme for children of all ages, based on Mindfulness and Neuroscience using three dragon characters.
The Green Staffroom
Join the What Colour is your Dragon Team for this well-being drop in for school staff, where its ok not to be ok. A safe space to bring your stresses, and be supported and heard.
The Green Staffroom
Join the What Colour is your Dragon Team for this well-being drop in for school staff, where its ok not to be ok. A safe space to bring your stresses, and be supported and heard.
Introducing the Dragons
An introduction to this social and emotional learning programme for children of all ages, based on Mindfulness and Neuroscience using three dragon characters.
Now and Beyond Schools Festival
Come and fly your dragons at this free online event for schools with hundreds of mental health providers to choose from. ttps://
Contagious Love
The final worksop in a series of three, about the emotions. If someone approaches us with a smile, we have a natural tendency to smile back. If they approach us with a frown, the tendency is to frown too. In this way our emotions are contagious. This workshop will focus on how The Green Dragon can help to generate positive emotions which can then gives us more resources to manage difficult emotions.
Freezing Fear
This workshop, is one in a series of three aimed at parents children (6-11yrs) and educators, is a playful experiential way to learn a new method for managing emotions. In this workshop we will explore the freeze response in safe ways using the Dragon language and find out what can help children in these situations.
Volcanic Rage
This workshop, is one in a series of three aimed at parents children (6-11yrs) and educators, is a playful experiential way to learn a new method for managing emotions.
Managing Emotions with The Dragons.
In this webinar you will learn how the "Dragon Language" can be used at home and at school to help you to help you to nurture, happy and resilient children.
A Moment of Care through Mindfulness Movement and Creativity
Being an educator is deeply rewarding and it can also be very challenging. This is a free self care dropin for those working in education.
Mindfulness in Motion
Mindfulness in Motion for Educators is an eight-week (16 hours) mindfulness course for teachers. It draws on movement, neuroscience, mindfulness theory, martial arts and creativity.
Mindfulness in Motion
Mindfulness in Motion for Educators is an eight-week (16 hours) mindfulness course for teachers. It draws on movement, neuroscience, mindfulness theory, martial arts and creativity.
The Neurocognitive model teacher training
A day of movement, connection, nature and creativity for educators who want to learn a different approach to mindfulness.
Mindfulness in Motion
Mindfulness in Motion for Educators is an eight-week (16 hours) mindfulness course for teachers. It draws on movement, neuroscience, mindfulness theory, martial arts and creativity.
The Green Staff Room -Tools to Help Educators Rest and Restore
Join the What Colour is your Dragon Team for this well-being drop in. We use cutting edge brain insights to inform our playful and creative ways to help you rest and restore. We recognize that you need to Feed your Green Dragon (the brain system that helps you to rebalance when life is tough) and will share with you a variety of simple ways to do that.
Gratitude Jar
A Fun Family event to boost the well-being of the whole family
Free monthly event: Being a parent can be an emotional and busy time, and we understand that opportunities for self-care can be limited. This current time has brought a set of unexpected challenges for parents. The online gratitude jar will be led by Child Psychologist Raquel Franck Barboza Lhullier and Super Educator Karen Fraser Colby de Mattos. Have a chance to share how things are for you right now in a non judging space. Explore how to make and use gratitude jars at home
Who is this for:Wellbeing for the Entire Family. What we teach is for every parents but we tend to work with ages 5-11 the most. Join us for 30 minutes. Take a break from your busy day to participate in a simple activity that can be done with children, which may build stronger relationships and greater cooperation.
Benefits:This special session explores how a simple but profound daily practice of using gratitude jars can transform both your mental and physical health. This embodied practice helps us to put gratitude into our bodies, actions, minds and hearts. Why not make this a new morning habit for you and your family or your team?
The Green Staff Room -Tools to Help Educators Rest and Restore
Join the What Colour is your Dragon Team for this well-being drop in. We use cutting edge brain insights to inform our playful and creative ways to help you rest and restore. We recognize that you need to Feed your Green Dragon (the brain system that helps you to rebalance when life is tough) and will share with you a variety of simple ways to do that.
Dancing Dragons
Come and learn about a fun way to explore emotions in your body, using movement and creativity in this free event. The 3 coloured dragons love to move to music - the blue dragon likes a busy dance that helps to get things done, the red dragon loves to shake its surge of energy, while the green dragon keeps us calm and happy.
Tony Langford will show you the moves and then we’ll each draw our dragon to represent the movement of our emotions through our day.
This session is suitable for children (6-11yrs ) who are home schooling, and parents are welcome to join in too!
Draw your Dragons
According to Chinese culture, the dragon is a mysterious creature representing strength, nobility, courage, and kindness and dragons can also be fierce. In this workshop aimed at children aged 7-11 years participants will learn how to draw a dragon, and how dragons can help us to express emotions.
The Green Staff Room -Tools to Help Educators Rest and Restore
Join the What Colour is your Dragon Team for this well-being drop in. We use cutting edge brain insights to inform our playful and creative ways to help you rest and restore. We recognize that you need to Feed your Green Dragon (the brain system that helps you to rebalance when life is tough) and will share with you a variety of simple ways to do that.
Catching Calm: Post Covid Education: Why every educator needs to know about emotion contagion
Join Dr. Tamara Russell for this 50 minutes Catching Calm for educators who want to figure out how they will survive and thrive in this on-going chaos.
After the talk there will also be a chance to hear about our What Colour is Your Dragon? (DARLing) emotional resilience program for teachers.
More than Mindfulness: Creative Routes to Mental Well-Being
Join Dr. Tamara Russell for 30 minutes that will transform your day. A micro meditative pause that will fill your senses and rejuvenate your soul. Creative practice, mindfulness and time together to be fully embodied and engaged.
Mindfulness in Motion: Training Mental & Physical Health in Brainwise ways
Join Dr. Tamara Russell for 30 minutes of mindful movement that will transform your day. Mindfulnes training with movement practice is the best and most efficient way to calm the mind and take care of the body.
Draw your Dragons
According to Chinese culture, the dragon is a mysterious creature representing strength, nobility, courage, and kindness and dragons can also be fierce. In this workshop aimed at children aged 7-11 years participants will learn how to draw a dragon, and how dragons can help us to express emotions.
Dragon Action Reflection Learning Group -Online
Dragon Action Reflection Learning (DARLing) online groups provide a supportive environment for educators and anyone working with children to enhance their own wellbeing whilst learning a new language of emotions using the Dragon method. This 5 session group will be held at the same time every Monday on zoom. It is aimed at school staff or anyone working with children and young people and may be particularly suitable for those who have already trained in Mindfulness, or who have an interest in doing so.
Catching Calm-Compassionate Self Regulation for Educators
There has never been a more important time for educators to model emotional regulation to young people. Children develop resilience by modelling the positive behaviour of adults. By hearing adults being positive, they develop optimism and increase their belief in themselves. If you work in education come and learn about the science of emotion contagion and what we can do to regulate ourselves, as educators, so that we can help others. See the eventbrite link to sign up.
How the Dragons can Help us Get Back to School
Mary Louise will offer insights from her extensive career as an educator specializing in mindfulness based approaches and explain the Dragon method, which is a creative, trauma informed and mindfulness based method for adults and children.
We will pay particular attention to the concept of returning to school in kind and mindful ways and give tips on how to use the Transitional Pause to help you manage your own state (so you can be more emotionally available for your students).