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Gratitude Jar

A Fun Family event to boost the well-being of the whole family

Free monthly event: Being a parent can be an emotional and busy time, and we understand that opportunities for self-care can be limited. This current time has brought a set of unexpected challenges for parents. The online gratitude jar will be led by Child Psychologist Raquel Franck Barboza Lhullier and Super Educator Karen Fraser Colby de Mattos. Have a chance to share how things are for you right now in a non judging space. Explore how to make and use gratitude jars at home

Who is this for:Wellbeing for the Entire Family. What we teach is for every parents but we tend to work with ages 5-11 the most. Join us for 30 minutes. Take a break from your busy day to participate in a simple activity that can be done with children, which may build stronger relationships and greater cooperation.

Benefits:This special session explores how a simple but profound daily practice of using gratitude jars can transform both your mental and physical health. This embodied practice helps us to put gratitude into our bodies, actions, minds and hearts. Why not make this a new morning habit for you and your family or your team?

April 14

The Green Staff Room -Tools to Help Educators Rest and Restore

May 10

The Green Staff Room -Tools to Help Educators Rest and Restore