Our Story


It all began with an idea in 2017. Over the following years, Dr Tamara Russell (UK) and Raquel Lhullier (Brasil) have been developing this multicultural Dragons project. They met in Porto Alegre (Brazil) and since then began a collaboration integrating their combined clinical and research experiences with young people and adults in different settings and across different cultural boundaries. They shared an intention to create science-based, accessible and practical tools to help adults and young people communicate more effectively about their emotions using three coloured Dragons.

This work has involved discussions, live research in the
educational and clinical settings, reflections, workshops and
individual family training in Portugal, England and Brazil. It
integrates learning from individual approaches and group
experiences of over 20 years of learning.

Raquel is based in Brasil and runs regular training events for parents and teachers, and a clinic for children and families.

Raquel’s Website

